University of Guelph Meat Science Lab


Species WE Service

Beef, Lamb, Pork

Booking Lead Times

Check weekly for last minute availability. Can process up to 4 cows, 30 lambs, or 8 pigs per week.

Services Provided

Boning, Cutting, Processing



Abattoir Bio

The Meat Science Laboratory is an unusual facility to be found in a university setting. It is a small-scale meat packing plant operating under federal meat inspection regulations with the capability to slaughter, cut and process all the major red meat species.

The purpose of the laboratory is to provide the means for teaching and research in all aspects of meat science. The Meat Science Laboratory also provides a service facility for the various departments of the University needing to harvest tissue or organ samples from meat animals for their research programs.

Method of booking

To book, email Gino or call 519-824-4120 ext. 53672.

Have a Question? Get in touch

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