Common Tech: Growing Your Business with the Technology You Own

Using common technology make upgrading your business a simpler process.

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Upgrading your business overview

The world is changing fast. The pen and paper method of doing business is falling by the wayside in favour of the streamlined and efficient capabilities of digital systems. While the majority of Canadian farming and meat industries still rely on the hands-on labour of dedicated professionals, the way inventory and sales can be managed has evolved to reflect the increased need for technology.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to sink your bottom line to get your systems up to date, nor does it mean that your farm will need to hire a team of IT specialists to manage your books from here on out. Information management and inventory systems are designed with simplicity in mind, and conveniently operate with readily available technology that you already use in your business.

Using the Tech you Already Have

Moving your farming practices into the technological world is easier than it might sound with the use of livestock management systems. Many of these systems are designed to work with the tools you already own, including your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

When it comes to selling the end product, the barcode scanning technology provided by bioLinks is designed to connect information from farm to table without the hassle of installing a complicated system. bioLinks uses a barcode scanner that fits right over the top of your smartphone, allowing you to scan products in-store to get the full story on their source. There’s no need to buy expensive hardware here — everything you need to move your business into the modern age can be found at home, or be easily purchased with minimal additional overhead.

The value of these upgrades translates into more than simple cost savings; the best returns on your investments come from upgrades that increase productivity with little financial input, and electronic management systems have been designed with exactly that in mind.

bioLinks sales report screenshot.

Finding the Right Software to Increase Efficiency

While it might not seem like a digital inventory management system is necessary for livestock products, the benefits they can add to your productivity and efficiency can far outweigh the costs.

Information management systems are created to take the burden of administrative work off of your shoulders in order to leave you free to focus your attention where it is needed most. In most cases, the hard work of integrating the system is done for you. bioLinks can import your product information, customer lists, pricing, and set up your bar codes to make the move towards a digital inventory system easy without interrupting your daily operations.

The shift towards digital systems is all about increasing the growth rate of your business by streamlining the busy work. The right livestock management system can increase the value of your business by:

  • Increasing the efficiency of your operations by eliminating the need to spend time manually processing your inventory or tracking sales.
  • Decreasing your spending by optimizing data collection, reducing ordering errors, and reducing the amount of manpower required to manage administrative operations.
  • Increasing the versatility of your business by providing access to comprehensive inventory records from any location, constant data analysis, and the ability to set your brand apart from your competitors.

Tracking Your Sales and Inventory Information

One of the biggest benefits to an integrated inventory management system is the increased productivity your business will enjoy from automated sales and inventory tracking. These are the areas where logistic errors usually tend to occur, causing strain on your business and impacting your bottom line.

Without having to allocate a large amount of your budget towards an upgrade, an information management system can provide a streamlined tracking experience that reduces your overhead and boosts your productivity — all with the technology you already have right at home.

Whether you’re dealing with customers, producers or farmers, an electronically managed inventory system can give your business the edge that it needs to impress your customers and beat out the competition.

In closing

Upgrading to the increased efficiency of web-based information management is a simpler and more cost-effective option than you may think. With easy to use technology that works with the hardware you already own, you can move your business ahead at little additional cost.

bioLinks and bioTrack provide comprehensive views of the story of your products from start to finish, allowing you to provide a complete product experience for each customer. By shifting your inventory and sales management to an online database, you can grow your business with increased efficiency and productivity that you may have never thought possible.

What other ways have you used common technology to give your business an edge?

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