Townsend Butchers


Species WE Service

Beef, Alpaca, Bison, Dairy Calf, Deer/Elk, Goat, Heavy/Light Calves, Lamb, Llama, Pork, Sheep, Veal, Water Buffalo

Booking Lead Times

Call 1 week in advance. Beef, Pork, & Lambs = A few openings for all categories each week.

Services Provided

Boning, Cooking, Cutting, Processing


Feed Claim, Gluten Free, Natural, Raised Without

Abattoir Bio

Townsend Butchers was purchased by Doug and Dave Miedema on Feb. 21st 1972. Their start was a very humble one, in the first few months they had several days where they put meat in the counter in the morning and took the same meat out again at the end of the day. It did not take long for the community to realize that they now had a source for fresh high quality local meat, along with fast and friendly service. Word of mouth soon spread the good news and the business has continued to grow ever since.

The core values of providing high quality local meats with efficient and friendly staff have taken us this far and this is our guide in all the business decisions we make. As the business has grown over the years the staff, the building and the product list have all grown along with it. We now offer a full range of beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, goat, bison meats, as well as a full deli section with most of our products being made in house. 

Method of booking

To book, call us at: 1-519-426-6750.

Have a Question? Get in touch

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